Bruce Power's 2015 Licence Renewal Document

Bruce Power, Investor and Media Relations

Required Skills
Brainstorming and idea generation, 2D design, layout, typography, print production, digital design

Project Overview
The purpose of this publication is to provide an overview of Bruce Power and to assist members of the public in the CNSC hearings. Bruce Power currently holds the license to operate eight nuclear reactors that are designed to produce electrical power.

Design Rationale
Bruce Power's external communications group puts out several publications and campaigns to the public each year. This Relicensing book serves as a great resource to find a summary of all these documents in one spot. A blue pull-out box was used consistently throughout the publication to recognize and highlight reports, videos and websites that have been created by Bruce Power over the past few years. Large type and simplified icons were used to emphasize statistics and facts about Bruce Power and the nuclear industry. Overall, the document is meant to be professional, educative and easy-to-understand.